Crazy Month, Full Hearts.

Photo of Zach and Val on Fox 2 Morning News to celebrate National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

It's been a crazy month for us and it's only mid-April. We started off the month with a bang by being guests on TV morning news at KTVU Fox 2 in San Francisco. We made a PB&J Pizza and our famous panini-style PB&J Sandwich for National PB&J Day. As glorious as it sounds, nothing went smoothly leading up to that moment. On Sunday, we checked in late for our flight to SFO and our luggage full of products was lost and wasn't found until 11:30 that night! The morning of the show on set, the panini press kept turning off due to some electrical issues in the studio and Val's mic was not turned on until a couple of seconds before we went live. The amount of pressure we felt was intense, but so worth it in the end. We got to share our story and of course, promote our line of products on TV.

The second weekend of April was our trip to Santa Barbara for the Lucidity Music Festival. As if it was not a challenge enough to bring our products and everything else that comes with it to Santa Barbara, we also brought our 2 little daughters. We had to bring a van and another SUV with us even though that wasn't our initial plan. We sold made-to-order $6 PB&J sammies with toppings (bananas, chocolate chips, pretzels) to everyone there. Not only did we feed our inner festies, we also fed a lot of hungry festival-goers who LOVED our offerings. It was fun to say the least. We will def be back next year! Maybe, next time, we won't bring the kiddos. You live and you learn, right?

This coming weekend, we'll be off to Boston for the Well Summit as a sponsor and a marketplace vendor. We couldn't be more excited to showcase our brand and products in the East Coast for the first time. We have yet to see what could go wrong.. Will Zach leave his wallet at home? Or could our products get there after the event? We shall see...

Last but not end the month of April with a note of gratitude, we’re partnering with Stella Barra to host a farm-to-table brunch for our some of our favorite Instagram influencers and partners. Everyone else is also welcome to come and spread the love!

We don’t know what other surprises we’ve got in store for the rest of this month. But what we do know for sure is that it's a wild ride to be an entrepreneur, especially with your life partner. We face challenges all the freaking time and solve them as they come. We've proven thus far that although we may appear small and young, we are fearless and perform well under pressure as a company. This month and year couldn't get more hectic than it already is, but nobody ever said growing a business would be easy. We figure that as long as we are filling stomachs with our good food, our hearts will be full!

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